
bisected orange on green surface

The Fundamentals of Modern Marketing Mindset

A guide exploring in detail Econsultancy’s 10 Cs framework for building a Modern Marketing Mindset, also explaining the difference between mindset and ‘modern marketing mindset’, and looking at what mindset means for individual performance, career success and organisational goals.

The gender gap in marketing in 2020: pay, benefits, overtime and happiness

The content of this briefing is taken from Econsultancy’s Career and Salary Survey Report 2020, produced in association with Marketing Week. First launched in 2015, this annual report is the industry’s most in-depth census of marketing careers and salaries in the UK, presenting a robust look at workplace trends and the experiences of marketers. This briefing […]

Modern Marketing Job Descriptions

This guide covers the challenges specific to hiring for the skillsets required by modern marketing teams in the digital age. It looks at how to use job descriptions as a marketing tool, overcoming the skills gap, building diversity and inclusion into the hiring process, and more.

What agencies should know about clients (but probably don’t)

I’ve laughed at this cartoon for years. It was originally created by Gary Larson of The Far Side and captioned “The four personality types” – the job titles were added later. But they so beautifully demonstrate the perceptions that we have about each other, clients included.